Tuesday, December 12, 2006

While I wait for my mom to call and let me know whether she's coming for dinner or not, here's an update on the crabs -

All three are buried in the Forest Bedding....a new stuff we put in the crabitat that retains humidity better than sand....it's also lighter. Drawbacks are, you can't scoop leftover food out of it as easily as you can sand, and the moisture condenses on the walls of the crabarium and makes it hard to see the little boogers (which I guess doesn't matter much if they are buried, right?)

And a limerick I composed:

I don't think that girls should be priests,
Which is fine with the folks of the East!
So I've gone Byzantine -
Who on Pentecost, wear Green...
(And I love the abundance of feasts!)

It's true....the Byzantine Rite has umpty-billion feasts, one for every day of the year. And lots and lots of them are 'solemn' feasts, meaning that there is probably Divine Liturgy in honor of the saint in question. Today, f'r instance, is the feast of St. Spiridon, Bishop and Wonderworker in addition to being the feast of OL of Guadalupe - so says my Byzantine wall calendar, courtesy of my parish, which you can visit HERE. (I hope did that right - if the link doesn't work let me know, OK?)

1 comment:

Matthew said...


Thank you for asking to take part in the 2007 Saint for the Year Devotion. I pray that through this devotion, all participants ultimately grow closer to God. You were chosen by St. Teresa of Avila.

Please let me know that you receive this message as well as any connections between your saint and you that you would like to share.