Sunday, February 25, 2007

Among other things, I have been teaching girlchec how to tell time. I think she knows, but just likes the extra attention. Not having many analog clocks in the house is a major bummer - but the ones we do have are near a digital clock so she and younger boychec can see what the time looks like in either type of display.

Go read this, it's awesome:

Also I have been: figuring out a schedule to teach Pysanky workshops here during Lent; supervising and advising older boychec on his first-ever real research paper; refereeing all sorts of sibling wars; attending basketball practice and games, yada yada.

Younger boychec's team finished first in their division - YAY!!!
Girlchec was a cheerleader (her team didn't do so well....the only game they won was when they played a team of girls)
Older boychec's team made it to the semifinals in the championships, and lost 35-24 to a team of all 4th-graders from a local private school (his team was 3rd and 4th graders together, but this school fields two teams in the division, one of 3rd graders, and one of 4th graders).

Some thoughts of my own on Lent, this my first one in the Byzantine tradition, (hopefully) later...

Oh yes, we've had another crab demise. We're down to 3 now and I think we will keep it that way at least until we get a bigger aquarium.

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